Instagram Stories presents businesses with the ability to stay visible and connect with target audiences

With 500 million users, Instagram Stories is extremely popular, with more people then there are users on Snapchat. Diversifying strategies to use Instagram Stories can help connect with target audiences and keep visibility for followers. Allowing for a in-the-moment style approach to social media, Instagram Stories gives businesses the ability to engage audiences, humanising and…

Creating educational content for your audience can help both retain and attract new customers

As the importance of content writing becomes more apparent with the rise of ecommerce, educational content is a great way to win trust with your audience. By providing answers to their questions, you attract interested potential customers and convert them into leads and engagement. Educational content is also a significant way to retain current customers,…

Personalisation of content will be an important trend in 2021 as brands look to engage audiences more

A Deloitte study showed that 36% of customers are more willing to purchase products when it has been part of personalised content, with 31# saying they wished more content was personalised. As ecommerce grows in both the amount of stores online and in usage by consumers, brands need to look for new ways to engage…

Video, VR and more interactive content presents opptonuites to connect and immerse audiences with brands

27.2% of worldwide viewers watch more then 10 hours of online videos on a weekly basis, with another 28% watching between 4 to 10 hours (Statista). The large audience presents a perfect opportunity to connect further with audiences. The rise of ecommerce has illustrated the importance of content, with video content among the most consumed…