Branded content tags can help connect your brand and increase your organic reach | DMX Marketing Experts

Branded content tags can help connect your brand and increase your organic reach

Navigating through Instagram’s complex algorithm to make sure your posts connect with as many people as possible can be tough, though certain tactics can help make this easier, such as enabling branded content tags in settings. This allows business to tag you in their Instagram ads and sponsored posts. Designed for sponsorships and partnerships, it…

Video, VR and more interactive content presents opptonuites to connect and immerse audiences with brands

27.2% of worldwide viewers watch more then 10 hours of online videos on a weekly basis, with another 28% watching between 4 to 10 hours (Statista). The large audience presents a perfect opportunity to connect further with audiences. The rise of ecommerce has illustrated the importance of content, with video content among the most consumed…