Branded content tags can help connect your brand and increase your organic reach | DMX Marketing Experts

Branded content tags can help connect your brand and increase your organic reach

Navigating through Instagram’s complex algorithm to make sure your posts connect with as many people as possible can be tough, though certain tactics can help make this easier, such as enabling branded content tags in settings. This allows business to tag you in their Instagram ads and sponsored posts. Designed for sponsorships and partnerships, it…

In-depth content not only ranks better, but can highlight your businesses expertise to a wider audience | DMX Marketing Experts

In-depth content not only ranks better, but can highlight your businesses expertise to a wider audience

Opting to write longer content, rather then shorter pieces, can help your business reach further online, as longer content performs better in search engines on average. However, this should not be done just for the sake of writing longer content. Specific topics presenting the area of expertise your business has, answering common questions or providing…