Mobile devices generated over 50% of global website traffic in the first part of 2021 | DMX Marketing Experts

Mobile devices generated over 50% of global website traffic in the first part of 2021

In the first quarter of 2021, mobile devices accounted for 54.8% of global website traffic. The statistics, from Statista, show that as smartphones have improved, the convenience of browsing on the move has drawn in more people. Because of this, the importance of having apps and online stores optimised for mobile users has increased. The…

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As more social media sites add in Stories, they present a great opportunity for engagement

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn and even Slack all have a version of Stories. Whilst Instagram’s version may be the most succesful and well known, they all offer a fantastic route for engagement with users. Replies and reactions to stories on Instagram go to the brand’s DMs, providing a direct line of communication, offering a…

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