Live chat can help you educate and engage your audience, but it needs to provide quick convenience to customers | DMX Marketing Experts

Live chat can help you educate and engage your audience, but it needs to provide quick convenience to customers

Live chat allows customers to directly talk to a brand, providing convenience. However, most consumers look towards quick responses. In statistics from HubSpot Research, 82% of consumers rated an immediate response as very important for marketing or sales questions. A further 90% of consumers rated similarly in terms of immediate responses for customer service questions.…

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With more people using virtual assistants, your SEO tactics need to change to keep up | DMX Marketing Experts

With more people using virtual assistants, your SEO tactics need to change to keep up

Virtual assistants have become very popular, such as Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Bixby, especially when it comes to online shopping. From researching products and stores to purchasing items and services, more people are turning to their virtual assistants for these tasks. However, this creates a problem when it comes to SEO. Spoken searches are worded…

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